Gather ‘round, ladies and gents! (Are there any ladies in the house?) It’s almost May; time for the second annual Monster May(hem); to be hosted right here at Dead Dick’s Tavern! But wait…SECOND annual? It seems like this has been going on for more than two years…
Aaaah. Yes. Three, actually. It used to be known as Monster Month, but then Roger changed it. (Sigh. Roger. I friggin’ love that guy.)
Anyway, what is Monster May(hem)? Why, it’s the month you paint monsters, of course. Any monster will do, although it should be a proper MONSTER; not an orc or a vampire, or something equally as lame. I mean something truly beastly; like a dragon or manticore or giant sandworm. Check out the last couple of years by looking at that handy “Archives” drop-down menu on the right and picking any May (starting in 2018); or, if you’re too lazy to do that, you can get a pretty good idea what I’m talking about by looking at this post and this post.
I can hear the choruses now. “I wanna join the club, PIper! But, how do I participate?”
It’s easy! Simply let me know in the comments below, or shoot me an email at I’ll add your name and website to the blogroll once May starts; and, if it’s not there already, I’ll post a link to your site in my sidebar menus. You might even pick up a few regular visitors to your blog! Don’t have a blog or a website? That’s ok. Send me your pictures, and I’ll post them here and ensure you receive proper attribution.
If you’re looking for some good monster miniatures but don’t want to break the bank, Reaper Bones or Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures are your friends! You can get some great plastic monsters for under 5 bucks, and even more for under ten. Or you can splurge and spend fifteen bucks and get something like this T-Rex from Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures:

But no one’s saying it has to be a Fantasy monster. Got a particularly nasty Tyranid or Elder God you want an excuse to paint? Well, look no further. Here’s your excuse. You can also sculpt your own, if you have the inclination and you’re the daring sort. Roger did just that last year, and he even named it after me! The likeness is uncanny… (I told you I love that guy.)
Monster May(hem) officially starts on the first of May (duh). Chances are I’ll be posting something soon after. I have a couple of miniatures in mind, including one really big project planned. I’ve been pretty productive in past years; but invariably I post a few stragglers in early June as my reach tends to exceed my grasp. Guess we’ll see if this year is the same…
I’m in Keith, been saving a model specifically for this event, that needs to be finished. Look forward to seeing all the other entries
Great news, Dave! One of my submissions might look familiar, if I can get to it! (I have a pretty big project planned.)
Excellent! I’ve got some lined up including some Lovecraftian horrors that you’ll probably love!
I never met a Lovecraftian Horror that didn’t make me swoon. I look forward to losing sanity! Have at it, Matt!
I’m in though I’ll probably just be painting rather than sculpting from scratch this year as work is crippling me at the moment (ten months out of the last twelve sat on my arse has taken it’s toll!).
If I get the chance I do have a little something in mind a bit more ambitious, but that is a definite, sort of, maybe, but don’t hold your breath type of thing.
Best of luck with this, I love this event it’s one of my highlights of the year (I really should get out more, or not as the case may be)
Ahhh I love you too man (in a butch manly sort of way of course!) .
Thanks for the “plug” by the way.
Cheers Roger.
Great to have you as always, Roger. I’m sure whatever you do will be awesome, and I’m flattered you consider it a yearly highlight. Personally, I look forward to Forgotten Heroes quite a bit; so bring on June! (Jez has been MIA lately, although I’m happy to hear he’s ok; just busy.)
And of course it’s the butch, manly sort of way. No need to state the obvious, Roger. We’re two of the most manly men ever to be men; the envy of lesser (meaning, of course, less manly) men everywhere.
I just (re) started a blog. I hate painting. You may put me down.
Boo-yaaah! (Do the kids still say that nowadays?) Welcome, Tom!
Your blog doesn’t have to be ALL painting. You could talk about other things, like any cool RPGs you’ve played recently, for example…
I’m in Keith. Need to get some hobby mojo rekindled and I do have a couple of big critters that are in need of some paint. Whether I’ll paint all of them or just the one, we shall see, but it will give me an excuse to assemble and base some. And not to worry – Forgotten Heroes will take place as usual, although I’m currently unsure what I’ll be doing…
Guess who’s back…back again….Jez is back…tell a friend…
OK,. enough of that. Great to see you, and of course I’m looking forward to Forgotten Heroes. I think I have an idea for one “hero” in particular who, try as I might, I just could never get into, because (surprise) he sucks…
As far as what you’re doing, you’ve been teasing a certain Spider-Man villain for a couple of years now. That seems like it might be a bit involved; but perhaps a good way to dive back in?
Hmm… If I had a Pringles tube or similar, that could provide the main structure… I’ve already got the figure for the pilot. We shall have to see.
The wheels are turning…or at least one is…(You see what I did there?)