There has been much speculation ’round the blogosphere (ok, it’s just been Dave) as to whether or not I plan on hosting my annual painting challenge this May, Monster May(hem), considering I have been scarcely seen around these parts lately and that my recent posting history has been somewhat erratic. The answer is yes.
As in yes, I am hosting Monster May(hem) for the fifth year in a row, and you are all most welcome to participate. How do you do that? Sound off in the comments on this post, or drop me an email at angrypiper@angrypiper.com, and tell me you’re in. And just like that, you’re in.
THE “RULES”: What is Monster May(hem)? Why, it’s the month you paint monsters, of course. Any monster will do, although it should be a proper MONSTER; no skeletons or orcs. I mean something truly beastly; like a wyvern or a shoggoth or an owlbear. Your monster(s) doesn’t have to be strictly a fantasy miniature, and it may be any scale and from any manufacturer. I will link to your stuff throughout the month, and (if it’s not there already) add your blog/website/social media to the blogroll on the side! If you don’t have a site of your own and still want to participate, I’ll happily host your pictures here and ensure you get proper attribution!
How many monsters you paint is up to you. The minimum is one, of course; but feel free to do as many as you like. The only caveat is that they get painted sometime in May. I usually average around five or so over the course of the month, but guys like Azazel and Matt regularly do more than everyone else combined, and Roger and Dave have even been known to sculpt their own monsters prior to painting! Talk about a bunch of overachievers!
Here are some of my monsters from past challenges.

Last year I opened this up to folks on Instagram, and I will do so again. But fear not: this challenge began here at Dead Dick’s Tavern, and here is where it will always be hosted.
So, who’s in? Let’s make it formal so I can start May off with a blogroll of participants!
Splendid news, and I’d love to be involved. I’ve a few 3D prints ready to go!! 😉
Welcome back, Simon!
I’m in, and hopefully should have quite a varied bunch this year, and a big surprise (to me at least !LOL) as well.
I’m shivering with antici………….pation, Dave! Glad to have you back again!
Sounds like a fun challenge, count me in as well! Got a few monsters lying around that would fit the theme perfectly.
With HUZZAH prep and HUZZAH in May – mmm, I will try. I do love your challenges…
They love you too, Mark.
Fuck yeah! My fave challenge is back, baby, and I’m well ready for it! Really looking forward to this and super happy it’s running again.
If ever I decide not to host Monster May(hem), I’m sure someone else will pick up the torch, Matt. Looking forward to all you bring to this challenge every year!
Also, I’m humbled it’s your favorite challenge. Mine is Forgotten Heroes, and that’s coming soon!
As I really need to get my hobby hand back in before Forgotten Heroes in June (which is naturally going to happen – can’t go a year without it, can we?) I think I’d best throw my hat into the ring. Might have to have a rummage and see what monsters I actually have to paint though…
As an aside, Keith, in my trawl through my old gaming mags for Golden Heroes content, I found a scenario for MSHRPG in Dungeon Magazine called ‘Hellfire Hostages.’ Do you have this and, if not, would you like a digital copy? I may have some other MSH stuff too from the RPGA Polyhedron mag which may be of interest…
I do not have that, Jeremy…and I would much appreciate a digital copy if you have one. The only Marvel adventure I have that wasn’t “official” is “Sudden Dawn”. the one featuring the Liberty Legion, in Dragon magazine #104. It was probably the best MSH module of all (the standard TSR ones were all a bit shit), but it featured the Liberty Legion, so no one ever played it.
I know YOU’D play it, Jeremy; because you love the Marvel WWII comics as much as me. Maybe I’ll run it someday. You can even play Union Jack, if you like (not to stereotype).
Oh, and of course I’m thrilled you’re in for Monster Month. I’ve heard through the grapevine (i.e. Dave) that Azazel is back in this year. Just waiting on Roger, now… He loves being fashionably late.
I’m in once again this year. I’ve still got way too many monsters of different kinds I need to paint!
And you are most welcome, sir!
Late yes, fashionable never! But yes I’m in again this year, but I’m afraid there wont be any scratch built stuff this time, I just haven’t got the time at present, however I do hope to get one biggish guy done from out of my Advent calendar, and four from a box game I got for Christmas, more on that later in the month, I’ll just say….hail to the (real) King and Queen!
Cheers Roger.
Always look forward to seeing what you do, Roger. Welcome back!