Hi. Been a while.
I haven’t posted in a bit, in part because my country is a fucking shitshow right now where everything–most notably democracy–is on the line, and TBH, I’m scared that the future of my country may be orange. And to the asshole who said he “couldn’t help me” and would never come here again after this post, fuck off again. I didn’t need your help then, and I sure as fuck don’t now. I was right. (Still like your hobby stuff, though, even though you’re a fucking ass-hat.)
Anyway, the other part is hobby block. That thing where you can’t find the motivation to do anything at all, and when you do, you second-guess everything from color choices to which miniature I should paint next to whether or not you should be doing anything else, like doom-scrolling or playing endless video games or ignoring your family or just drinking like a fish, or all of the above, as is the case with me.
First, to my friend Dave Stone, I’m sorry I failed your Season of Scenery challenge this year because I painted exactly zero pieces of scenery. I planned to take part, but see above.
Second, to everyone whose blogs I visit, sorry for disappearing. I did manage to chide Carrion Crow for not posting enough beer videos, but that was about it. (If you haven’t watched Jeremy drink beer on video, you should check out his YouTube channel. As a bonus, I got to hear his real voice, so I know now he doesn’t sound like Lenny McLean after all. A bittersweet moment. You shattered my dreams, Jez.)

The last two months have been extremely unproductive for me, hobby-wise. Yet I still managed to paint the miniatures from the board game Alien: Fate of the Nostromo. I actually got to PLAY this game, too; with three of my oldest friends. It’s a good game. Sadly, I painted the miniatures after playing the game, so my friends couldn’t ooh and ahh over my painting genius.

Here’s the crew all together.






And the Alien.
It’s pretty clear I need some eye clean-up, but I can’t see shit these days.
Now, you may be wondering, what about Kane? What about Ash? What about that fucking cat. Jonesy?
Kane is dead, because The Alien burst out of his chest, so you don’t get to play him in the game for obvious reasons. Ash and Jonesy ARE in the game, but not as playable characters, hence no miniatures. Both of them fuck with you to make your life harder by undoing your progress and stressing you out, respectively.
The game is a lot of fun. It’s cooperative. The players work together to escape the Nostromo before getting killed. We played 3 games and lost 2 of them. It gets more challenging if you play with Ash, but we didn’t do that. I highly recommend it, and not just because it’s the only board game among the dozens I bought during the pandemic that I’ve actually had a chance to play.
I hope to be back to form soon, but who knows. My mental health has never been a concern for me, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t unusually anxious about the state of my country and the world right now. It’s tough to focus on anything.
And I still have a dragon to paint before the end of the year…
Firstly no worries on the challenge mate, I fully understand how life can get in the way, and it’s just a bit of fun. While you’ve been away I managed another Dragon ( not to rub salt in the wound, just information ! LOL)
The world as a whole seems to be going to hell in a hand cart at the moment, so distractions are a welcome respite.
Love what you’ve done on on your board game, funnily enough I was reading a fan theory the other day about Jonesy, where aliens have an aversion to the felines and that’s why it never attacks the cat ! LOL
Hope you feel up to hobbying again soon, but will be here for you when you feel the time is right.
Thanks for understanding, Dave.
I’ve also read comics where the aliens don’t attack and ignore synthetics because synthetics aren’t alive. (The Alien Queen ripped Bishop apart because she was pissed.) I just read The Cold Forge, an excellent Alien novel, and it differs a bit from the comics…
I don’t want to give the wrong impression or seemingly make light of people struggling with serious mental illness, so I’ll just clarify: I’m fine. I think my last post sent me down a spiral of annoyance which, coupled with anxiety about the way things are everywhere nowadays (but especially here), has led to a lack of motivation. When I paint, I usually do so in silence, which just makes me think about stuff. So I’ve been distracting myself with other things.
I’ll be back soon. I have some achievable things I want to do before the end of the year (like paint a fucking dragon).
Seeing as it’s been a month and half since I posted anything, I fully understand your situation. Work and personal crap takes it’s toll on you, leaving you in the “Can’t Be Arsed” mindset. Why haven’t I painted anything? CBA. Why haven’t I posted? CBA. Why haven’t I commented on other people’s blogs? CBA. Why haven’t I drunk beer and posted it on YouTube… hang on, I DID do that at least. There’s hope for me yet. Fie upon thee, hobby ennui, I needs to paint me some Ghostbusters before the end of October, otherwise they’ll take away my badge.
I like Ghostbusters, Jez; just not as much as you. (No one likes it as much as you.) I find your fandom awesome. I’m a huge geek, as you know; but there aren’t many things that get me that excited.
My creative focus isn’t on miniatures at the moment. I’m trying to get back into running and playing RPGs after a long, self-imposed hiatus. I’m also trying to get the motivation to start the dragon project I already have mapped out in my brain. I have three months left…