I recently bought a couple of boxes of these Palm Trees for use in some tropical Pulp gaming. Here are my thoughts.
First, I wish I thought to take pictures of the assembly and unboxing, but if you want that you can check out Tabletop Lenny’s video here. Second, these are Palm Trees Series A, which is a box of 5 trees. These differ from Series B which only has 3 trees per box. Series B trees are much larger and feature a different type of leaf.
- $8.50 a box retail. Pretty cheap!
- Very easy to assemble once they’re prepared.
- They look great right out of the box, no painting necessary.
- They’re listed as 1/72 scale, which means they work well with 15mm-28mm miniatures.
- They’re kind of a pain in the ass to prepare. The leaves require a fair bit of trimming but once this is done, so is 90% of your work.
Once I assembled them, I based them on cork tiles and added some rocks. I painted the bases but didn’t bother with the trees themselves. Painting the leaves would be a nightmare, and anyway, they look great as is! The picture above shows some 28mm Pulp Figures Melanesian Island Warriors for scale.
Absolutely. They’re cheap, easy to assemble, and they look fantastic. Thumbs up!