Ever since Roger from Rantings Under the Wargames Table lent his dulcet tones to the Imperial Rebel Ork Podcast; I’ve been hooked. In fact, I’ve binged all of IRO’s excellent podcasts over the last couple of weeks (yes, that’s right, yet another thing to blame Roger for). It was through listening to IRO’s musings and hobby spotlights that I recently was made aware of a painting challenge heretofore unknown to me: Fembruary, the brainchild of one Leadballoony, a hobbyist also heretofore unknown to me; but one I will certainly follow now.
The rules, such as they are, appear quite simple. Paint at least one female miniature in the month of February. That’s it.
Well, I can do that. In fact, I’ll go one step further and paint ONLY female miniatures in February. Not because I’m an overachiever; but because I have a lot of female miniatures that need paint. (I’m in the middle of working on a diorama that features only female miniatures anyway, so I can count that, too.)
Of course, as cool as Fembruary is, it doesn’t excuse me from my prior obligations (read: Resolutions): like painting a Dungeons and Dragons character class for February. Only this time, she’s gotta be female.
No problem. I got this.
So, fair warning: although as everyone knows Dead Dick’s Tavern is usually a bastion of testosterone and sheer, unbridled masculinity (because of ME), next month I will showcase some badass lady miniatures that have waited far too long for paint.
I encourage all of you to do the same.
Ooo, I’m up for this one too. I’ve got a bunch of female minis I can paint for it.
Looking forward to seeing your diorama!
The diorama is going to be quite modest, as it’s the first one I’ve ever really done. A couple of months ago it seemed like a good idea; now it’s just seeming more and more like work that I need to get done and I’m not really having fun with it. Fingers crossed!
Also, I really need to listen to those podcasts.
Yeah, they’re good. You get to learn a lot about our fellow hobbyists. For example, did you know that Roger once shot a man in Reno just to watch him die?
I’m happy to take the blame this time (not that anyone cares!), glad to be of service. Looking forward to seeing what pictures of femininity you bring forth in your inimitable style!
I too will be taking part (I blame IRO, since we’re apportioning blame ). But I have just the one miniature to submit.
Cheers Roger, (Bringing hobbyist’s together since 2014).
Last night, I had a sit-down with my big box of unpainted stuff and went through it, looking for suitable female miniatures. I certainly have enough to last the month, but I was surprised. I thought I had more!
I suppose I could always buy more…for a good cause.
Good to see you taking on another challenge as well Keith, if I get time I’ll try and finish some of my Dark Eldar, as other than the Wracks and Grotesques they’re all female
Any excuse to make strides on a project is good enough in my book, Dave. Looking forward to seeing what you do!
I can do that. Can’t commit to only female miniatures – working on some gender neutral daemons at the moment – but I can commit to at least one.
Cool! Looking forward to seeing what you do, as always!