Well, Dave Stone’s Season of Scenery has come and gone, and here’s what I have to show for it. Thanks as always to Dave for hosting this fun challenge!

I painted up the 20mm Gaslands scenery that I said I would. The tire stacks took me about half an hour in total to complete; whereas the barrel groups took WAY TOO FUCKING LONG. Those barrels were some tedious bastards, I can tell you that for nothing. Now that I have these done, I should play Gaslands at some point just to drive some cars into these explosive barrels.

I also painted these fuel and/or gas tanks (they’re actually milk and livestock feed tanks from model railroads). While most of them are in 20mm scale; as you can see they could be used equally as well in 28mm games. I weathered and rusted them up quite a bit using MIG rust pigments and Citadel Typhus Corrosion.

Up next, I have some 28mm 3D-printed scatter terrain I recently picked up with an Etsy coupon. These crate and barrel piles look nice, and I can always use more of them. I also took the opportunity to paint some extra barrels and bits I had lying around.

I also managed to get to these remnants of some 3D-printed SciFi crates I ordered. I painted them in the same white theme I used for the others. You can see them in my Star Trek battle reports.

Finally, the things I’m happiest about. These two Armorcast vending machines have been an incomplete project for years. I bought them at Gen Con in 2012; and I planned on using them for zombie games; but that didn’t happen. Then my intent was to use them in supers games; but that didn’t happen either. Then last year I took them out and put them on my desk because I wanted to get to them for Summer of Scenery 2020; but guess what didn’t happen? And there they have sat in all their annoying base-coated glory, just taking up space on my painting desk and not paying rent. Well, now they’re done, and I now NEED to use them in a game just to justify their existence.
Did I get to everything? No. But I don’t give a shit because it’s STAR WARS TIME, BAYBEEEEEEE!!!! I’m finally diving back into Imperial Assault, so watch for that soon!
Great work on all Keith, have to say the vending machines are excellent with your level of detail on the painting, to include all the internal detail you’ve painted on.
looking forward to seeing your delve into Star Wars mate.
Thanks, Dave! Despite my somewhat pitiful output (no big scenics this year), I really do look forward to the Season of Scenery! I just primed some Imperial Assault miniatures last night, but I think I’m going to finish some halflings first, since they’ve also been sitting on my desk for a bit too long…
Some smashing work there mate, everything looks good but as you say the vending machines are brilliant and I love those sci/fi containers, would look at home in a Star Wars game funnily enough!
Cheers Roger.
Thanks, Roger. I like the sci-fi containers, too; and they couldn’t be easier to paint. I primed them gray, then covered the entire model in Citadel Celestra Grey. A quick black wash/wipedown later, I dry brushed the whole thing white and that’s it. Done. I think they can get a lot of use in any sci-fi game!
All the scenic bits are great, but the vending machines are outstanding! I can totally see why those barrels took ages, but they look good and that’s what matters 🙂
Thanks, Matt. Now, if I don’t play Gaslands, I really need a kick in the ass. They took forever and weren’t fun.