Principia Discordia

I have a Discord server. I use it primarily to run roleplaying games online. Should you ever wish to play in one of my games, you will need to join my server. It is not a public server, because public servers are quickly overrun by dickheads, trolls and spammers.

I dislike both dickheads and trolls, and I despise spammers. I do not want them on my server. Thus, one cannot actually join my server unless I will it.

Lately, I was thinking that in addition to running RPGs, maybe I could use the Discord server to connect with my hobby friends; specifically miniature painters and wargamers. I think I may set up a video channel in the server for when I paint. Anyone could drop in and hang out, shoot the shit, maybe even paint some miniatures at the same time. Might be a good way to motivate others and to show off what we’re working on.

So, if you want to join my Discord server, you need to have a Discord handle. You get one by joining Discord, which, of course, is free. Once you have that, drop me an email ( with your handle and I will extend an offer of Discord friendship to you. Accept, and once we’re Discord friends, I can invite you to my server, where the pleasure of my company and the company of other like-minded miniature addicts awaits you.


(PS: I would assume it goes without saying that anyone who frequents this blog is invited, but just in case that wasn’t clear: if I know you, you’re invited.)

6 thoughts on “Principia Discordia

    1. The Angry Piper Post author

      I’ll have Dave talk to you, Roger. He can walk you through it. And then, through the magic of the internet, we can raise a glass together; mine whisky, yours tea. And you can finally confirm what you’ve always suspected: that I paint naked.

  1. Jeremy

    Email sent, as I already have a Discord profile (unsurprisingly it IS Carrion Crow and does have a suitable avatar portrait). Nowhere is safe for the beady eyes of the crow.

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