Monster May(hem) 2023 starts tomorrow, so let’s get priming!
Here is the blogroll so far:
- Simon, from Fantorical
- Dave, from Wargames Terrain Workshop
- Matt, from PM Painting
- Jeremy, from Carrion Crow’s Buffet
- Roger, from Rantings from Under the Wargames Table
- Azazel, from Azazel’s Bitz Box
- Jon, from Jon’s Hobby Desk
- Snapfit, a welcome newcomer to the challenge this year, from Da Green Horde
- And a definite maybe (not sure if he’s committed yet): the only one on this list with the same accent as me: Mark A. Morin, from the eponymous markamorin.com.
Also, a few of my Instagram friends are joining in:
- Tom, @The_Goodground
- Malcolm, @mdcampbell_dunwichcreatives
- Mike, @sasquatchminis
Don’t see your name here and want to? Drop me a line with your info and you’re in! There’s still time to join the fun!
For my own sanity, I will post Monster May(hem) updates once a week rather than try to keep up with every submission…but the blogroll is here for a reason! Drop by the sites and accounts listed here and have a look for yourself! Support our fellow hobbyists!
In with some great company, let the May(hem) commence
Ack! I am here! I would like to participate in the May(hem)
http://jonhobbydesk.blogspot.com/?m=1 is where you can find me … sometimes
You’re in again, Jon! Added to the blogroll!
Any post which features the Cookie Monster is automatically a win for me. I assume that an ogre, even if wearing spandex and sporting an afro, still counts, right?
I can think of nothing more monstrous. Proceed!