At least one guy, anyway. I was recently interviewed by The Crimson Hound himself, Bruno Galan, over on The Bruno Galan Talk Show, one of his YouTube Channels. Bruno asked me to be his guest to talk about miniatures, games, and hobby stuff. And we did, for about an hour, starting at 3 AM my time. (Curse him and crush him!)
Bruno is a friend I met on Instagram several years back. He’s the creator of The Crimson Hound, and he came up with an idea that is pure genius. He invited some really talented gamemasters to run games for him, where he would play his character, The Crimson Hound, kind of a cross between Batman and Blade the Vampire Hunter, but more pulpy. It was up to the individual GM which rules system they would use, and what their individual serials would be. He recorded all the sessions and posted them to YouTube on one of his other channels “The Chronicles of The Crimson Hound“. I tease Bruno that he only did that to ensure he got to play games. He doesn’t deny it.

(Readers of this blog may recognize The Crimson Hound, as I have done several parody posts about him seeking employment with the Justice League, the Avengers and the Fantastic Four; made a miniature of him and ran him through some fun games of Super Mission Force. The Crimson Hound killed Santa, and then had to deal with the consequences two years later, for fuck’s sake. Don’t any of you remember that??!)
Anyway, Bruno was always a good sport about me screwing with his character, and he once was part of a playtest group for a Call of Cthulhu scenario I was working on a few years ago, so I owe the guy. He’s asked before but I politely declined because I don’t want to be on YouTube. He told me I don’t have to be on camera, but I still declined, wondering who would give a shit about what I had to say. It’s not like I’m famous, after all. But Bruno is a good dude (despite being a damn, dirty Canadian), and a friend, and he asked again. I’d be kind of an asshole to say no at this point, so I didn’t; but I am still unconvinced anyone cares about my opinions on (and history with) miniatures and gaming (other than Bruno; and, I guess, you guys, since you read this blog).
As I said, we talked for about an hour, and if you’re interested, you can see the video here. You’ll get to see Bruno, but you’ll only get to hear me, as I am far too handsome for YouTube and I didn’t want to make poor Bruno look like my consolation-prize wingman. You’ll also get to see three RPGs I really like, and three RPGs I really want to run or play, but haven’t yet, along with commentary, of course.
By the way, one of the first things Bruno asked me about was Forgotten Heroes. I told him it wasn’t my challenge but it’s my favorite challenge, and gave a shout out to the Carrion Crow.
If you like this interview, be sure to like the video by clicking the thumbs-up sign. If you really like it, subscribe to the channel. Bruno talks to other game designers, comic creators, authors and MMA guys (I know, weird spread). He’s trying to get more visibility for his channels and every bit helps. I’m sure that an interview with a hobbyist of my standing–the esteemed Angry Piper– can only result in a deluge of subscribers for him. Happy to do my part.
Thanks in advance. If you have any comments, leave them on Bruno’s video, or leave them here. I’ll see them either way.
There are multiple people who care mate, or wouldn’t bother commenting on all your posts ! LOL will check out the video, and have a listen to you, and would also enjoy more of your Crimson Hound adventures, I think he should see if Hellboy is looking for a new recruit next !
Thanks, Dave. It was a fun conversation that kinda got a little rushed at the end, but it was 4 am here when we wrapped it up, so I didn’t mind. Bruno has said he’s got one more chronicle planned for the Crimson Hound and then he’s retiring the character, but I may appropriate him for more holiday hijinks.
Whilst I haven’t watched/listened to the entire thing (been doing instalments whilst washing up), I did want to say that I HAVE played the Street Fighter RPG. IIRC most of the group created new world warriors, with my friend Matt running a South African policeman, whilst mine was the Secret Samoan, a masked wrestler hailing from that island. Can’t recall exactly what scenario we played, but do recall my character screaming “Volcano Smash!” as he leapt into the air and landed heavily on his opponent. Was quite a fun game, but I think our GM just ran it as a RPG, so no cards or miniatures, so it did kind of work. Will finish the episode and have subscribed, so at least he has another follower.
I am stunned I’ve found someone who has played the SF RPG! I remember we were heavily into Vampire and Werewolf at the time, and we also playeda ton of Street Fighter, so we were excited for the game. Then we all read it and sat around scratching our heads. “Volcano Smash!” sounds right at home in any fighting game, so well done.
And hey…how about Bruno asking about Forgotten Heroes right out of the gate? I had no idea he would ask about that. Looks like your challenge has spread beyond our little circle, Jeremy!
Dream Pod 9 released a card game in 1994 which was packaged in a video cassette box, called Video Fighter: Dragons of Fury – – which I owned at one point, but never actually played. This was based on Street Fighter, etc. and looked pretty cool, but was a bit complicated (for me at the time). I quite like the idea of a Street Fighter-esque game and think that the martial arts system from 1st Edition Oriental Adventures might possibly work for that, especially as there were additio al articles i dragon for alternative non-oriental martial arts styles. Hmmm, might have another project to work on…
And that was quite cool that Bruno asked about Forgotten Heroes.
If you’re looking for a great martial arts RPG system, look no further than GURPS Martial Arts. Back in the day, when we were impressionable young college students obsessed with Street Fighter and all the other fighting games, we tried to invent our own game, which we called VUG (Violent Underground Game). We essentially made up our own street fighters using the many styles contained in GURPS Martial Arts, but that quickly faded as we all realized we were just trying to bring Street Fighter to the RPG table, and all we wanted to do was fight. Then White Wolf came out with the SF RPG, and we figured VUG was no longer needed. But we never played the SF RPG.
Still, GURPS Martial Arts is pretty awesome, and worth a look even if you don’t play GURPS.
Also, you mentioned you were listening to my interview in installments while “washing up.” I assume that meant doing dishes, and not taking a shower. Please tell me I’m correct, even if I’m not. 🙂
Yup, definitely doing the dishes, rather than washing… other parts.
Right. Because that would make it weird.
Haha, nice one mate will have to check it out, though I know what you look like (but you don’t know what I look like, ) after our Discord chats, so I can at least imagine your glorious face.
Loved your Crimson Hound posts so yes keep them up. Sorry I haven’t replied to your recent posts cant seem to get any time on the PC at present and you have closed comments by the time I get there, I did buy my eldest son that Alien board game from Xmas before last, though I don’t think he’s played it yet, but it was great to see the miniatures painted up, one day I might get his set to paint myself…..who knows.
Cheers Roger.
True, Roger, you remain a mystery to me. But I enjoy our infrequent (it’s been ages) chats in Discord. No worries about the lack of replies, I’m terrible at that myself and have been particularly bad the past few months. The Alien game is a real blast. Whether I’ll ever get to play it again, given my in-person gaming frequency, remains in doubt.
Thank you for being an awesome guest, during and post-interview by promoting the heck out of it! 🙂
It was my pleasure, Bruno. I really enjoyed our conversation, even though I was exhausted the next day because I couldn’t go back to sleep after drinking a pot of black coffee at 3 am.
Haha, I’m listening to this video as I write, very good stuff mate (and Bruno), even though you mentioned “Forgotten Heroes” and didn’t mention me!!
Always the bridesmaid never the bride!
Cheers Roger.
Did you create Forgotten Heroes, Roger? I honestly didn’t remember that, as it was Jeremy who first asked me to participate, and he was running it then. I wasn’t sure who was ultimately responsible (but I knew it wasn’t me, as Bruno seemed to think). It was also 3 am. 🙂 Had I known (or remembered) I would have certainly mentioned it. My apologies!
If Bruno asks me back sometime I will be sure to clear that up, and name drop some of my non-Instagram hobby friends to boot!
Forgotten Heroes originally started as “He-Month” where Roger and I converted existing figures into Masters of the Universe figures, but I suggested to him that we open it up to a wider audience by making it ANY figure that hadn’t got a decent figure of it made yet. Roger came up with the name and I told everyone the rules, so it’s Roger and my love-child. However, I have been hosting it for the past couple of years, so I guess I’m now the face of this challenge.
Roger does have a knack for names. Monster Month is now Monster May(hem) because of him. And so it shall remain.
No not taking credit for that, “Forgotten Heroes” was Jez’s idea though I was there at the birth of it, it evolved out of “He-month” which was just MOTU figures.
I was simply “Alfred” to his “Batman”.
Cheers Roger.
Got it!