Picked this plane up for $20 at HomeGoods the other day. It was in the home decor section, near the Venetian masks and the faux-ivory handled letter openers. I guess it’s supposed to be decor. Not really my style, but it’s great for some Pulp gaming.
Although the cockpit looked right, at first glance I thought the scale was a bit too big for 28mm. Then I noticed the passenger windows below the wings. This Reaper pilot is shown for scale.
It’s all metal, the props move, and it’s painted pretty well, including some weathering on the tail. Not bad for $20, particularly since I don’t have the time or inclination to find a model of this scale, build it and paint it myself. Now I just need to find a barechested, bald German mechanic miniature to recreate the Raiders of the Lost Ark airfield fight scene.