Movember, as everyone knows, is the month men everywhere grow facial hair to raise awareness of male health issues. Every year, Bob Murch over at Pulp Figures encourages this practice by offering a special, Movember-only miniature (with serious facial accessories) to those who donate to Bob’s Movember Campaign.
I love beards, on dwarfs. On me, not so much. In fact, I absolutely loathe my own facial hair. Several years ago I grew my beard throughout the entire month of November. Two weeks in I was scratching like a mange-ridden mongrel. Three weeks and I was begging for relief. At 12 AM on December 1st I finally shaved off my whiskers and almost wept with joy.
Despite this, I am male, and I certainly support raising awareness of male health issues. It’s been a while since I placed an order with Bob, so I’m painting all my remaining Pulp Figures this month in honor of his Movember efforts. (Also, I promised Dick Garrison I would paint some miniatures with facial hair. Anything, as long as I don’t have to grow it myself.) Although Bob’s figures feature prominently, I’m also painting some other pulp-themed miniatures by other manufacturers. It’s a pulp-themed month-long extravaganza!
Here are my first couple of miniatures for Movember: two masked avengers. (Sorry for the blurry top picture. I can’t seem to get a better one.) These two are part of a set that includes a “Not” Green Hornet and Kato. The guy looks like he could be a “Not” Spider or “Not” Eisner’s Spirit, but the Spirit never wore a cape, to my knowledge, and Pulp Figures already has a “Not” Spider (although I like this one better). I have no idea who the masked lady is supposed to not be, if anyone. No facial hair in this batch.
Up next: some Hooded Minions! Check out the Van Buren whiskers on the guy second from the left! What’s that, you can’t see his masculine beard beneath his hood? Well trust me, it’s there. Honest.
Finally, enjoy this video, which is the perfect distillation of Movember, put to song.
Neil Patrick Harris is the Tree of Masculinity. Seek his fruit.
Coming soon, more Pulp Figures!
Insanity Pile Progress
Miniatures Painted Thus Far: 52
Miniatures Purchased: 13
Total: +39
Nice load of figures there Keith, I really like Bob’s stuff (even though I don’t own any of them), The first two are especially nice, and thank god there no facial hair on the young lady!
Simon Moore painted up a set of those hooded minions a while back, very tempting they are too, but I think you are confused, I think the chap with the “van buren” is second from the right, and the “mutton chops” or on the guy second from the left! 🙂
Great clip too strangely I only watched this film for the first time last week.
Cheers Roger.
Seems you’re right, Roger old bean; I confused my Van Buren with my mutton chops. Easy mistake.
As you know, I’m a huge fan of Bob Olley, because of his penchant for sculpting dwarfs. However, I’m pretty sure Bob Murch is my favorite all-time sculptor, if it’s possible to have a true favorite. His stuff is just so damn cool. Coming soon I’ll have some of his original Call of Cthulhu models on here…
As for “A Million Ways to Die in the West”, it had some great moments, but NPH is definitely the standout, as this song demonstrates.