Tag Archives: Reaper

The Invaders!

A few months ago, my fellow supers-enthusiast Carrion Crow hosted the Forgotten Heroes challenge. I submitted the Liberty Legion, which got me thinking about all those great WWII-era comics: Sgt. Rock, Our Army at War, GI Combat, and of course, the Invaders! I have always loved the Invaders; in fact, I love almost anything where Nazis are the main bad guys (they’re just so suited for it).

I dug this old photograph out of my grandfather’s trunk in the attic…

From the battlefields of WWII, America’s first super-team: The Invaders!!!  From left-right, Toro, the (original) Human Torch, Bucky, Captain America, and Namor, the Sub-Mariner; with special guest Sgt. Nick Fury (sans the rest of the Howling Commandos)!

The Human Torch is a Heroclix Fantastic Four Human Torch. Since there’s very little difference in their appearance, I decided he could pass for his WWII predecessor. Toro is yet another Human Torch miniature, this time from TSR’s old Marvel Super Heroes line. I’ve used some of these old TSR miniatures before in my X-Men team. The TSR Torch miniature is noticeably smaller than the Clix version, which makes him ideally suited to represent the original Torch’s sidekick, Toro.

You may remember Bucky from the Liberty Legion post. Captain America is a “unique” Heroclix version of Cap from the first ever Infinity Challenge set. It’s essentially the same sculpt as the regular Cap, but with a kite shield instead of the round one. I painted him a brighter blue than my other Cap to distinguish the two.

Side note: to make the flame and water effects on the bases, I used a pretty simple trick. I applied some Elmer’s wood filler to the base (wear gloves unless you enjoy having it on your fingers for days) and teased it into shape. Let it dry overnight. When painted, it looks pretty good!

I actually painted “Nick Fury” a few years ago, but I couldn’t resist including him with the rest of the Invaders. This is Sgt. Mack Torrey (50120) a Reaper miniature from their Chronoscope line. He just looks so battle-weary and badass that I knew he had to be my Sgt. Fury.

Now I need to get some cheap 28mm Germans and play some skirmishes!


Savage Land Characters

As anyone who read my Breeder Bombs campaign knows, I decided rather late in the campaign to set the final scenario in the Savage Land and to add some classic characters to the mix. Here’s what I did.

For Sauron, I didn’t do much beyond a rebasing and a new paint job. Above is the factory paint job, which, I think we can all agree, looks like complete shit.

Here is the finished product. I’m not the greatest painter in the world, but it doesn’t take much effort to make the original factory paint job look a hell of a lot better (or at least not like complete shit).

No game set in the Savage land would be complete without Ka-Zar, Shanna and Zabu. I looked up the clix versions of the characters and instantly hated them all. Well, Ka-Zar wasn’t too bad, but I knew I could do a lot better for Shanna and Zabu.

I checked a lot of manufacturers for a Tarzan figure. Tin Man makes a great traditional Tarzan, and Warlord has a very cool “Beastlord”. I settled on Reaper, because I thought Reaper’s version best captured Ka-Zar’s look. (Plus, he comes with a monkey. Who doesn’t need another monkey?) I also went to Reaper for a Sabretooth tiger miniature. Although Reaper makes more than one tiger, I chose this one based entirely on price. One slightly-rushed paint job later, and they were ready to go. I think his dagger looks a bit too “fantasy” for Ka-Zar’s Bowie knife, but I felt like converting it would just be a little more trouble than it was worth, so I left it as-is.

Shanna was a bit more work. I used this Heroclix Tigra miniature as the base model, because she’s practically wearing Shanna’s costume already (how many miniatures have a tooth-belt bikini?). One quick application of the nippy cutters removed her tail and her right arm. For the spear arm I used the arm from a GW skink warrior. It turned out to be the perfect size (although it’s a bit more muscular than Tigra’s other arm).

Another slightly-rushed paint job later and presto! One Shanna the She-Devil, ready to rumble in the jungle!

Although I don’t see myself using these miniatures for further Savage Land adventures, they’re useful for other genres…(Pulp and Congo gaming come to mind).

Now I just need to replace my Tigra miniature since I’ll probably be needing her sooner or later…

The Nativity


I’m not what you’d call a religious person (I did my time and never looked back). But my mother is, and this year I decided to give her a gift I thought she’d love. So I picked up Reaper’s Nativity (sculpted by the great Sandra Garrity) and got to painting.

I ordered this way back in November, because I knew I would need the time to paint it and base it up so that it was ready for Christmas, and I knew that I would procrastinate until the very last minute. And I did. See, once I made the decision to paint the Nativity scene, it immediately became work. As in no fun. But I stuck to my rule: until it was done, if I wasn’t painting the Nativity, I wasn’t painting anything.

Pretty soon I decided to add the shepherd and sheep to the scene, as it would help to fill out the base (and it would look better). So another order from Reaper was necessary. In case you’re interested, my painting order was Joseph, Wood Backdrop, Mary, Shepherd Boy, and sheep, with Jesus being painted here and there along with the others.

I bought the base at Michael’s, added some stain and polyeurethane. Nothing fancy. I got the plate engraved (“Peace on Earth”) at Things Remembered. I decided to pin all the miniatures to the base so they would stay where I put them, with the exception of baby Jesus. Some people like to keep Jesus out of the Nativity scene until Christmas Day (my mother is one of them), and besides, there’s no way to pin the manger without seeing the pin. He’s the only unattached piece in the scene.

Total cost: $38.00 for the miniatures (plus shipping), about $2 for the base, $24 (!!) for the plate and engraving, and my time…which for my mother, is of course free.

I’m happy with how it came out, especially the star, which I dreaded painting (I hate painting and shading yellow). Hopefully she will like it too.

Merry Christmas to all!

WizarDecember Week Four

The end of the year signals the end of WizarDecember as well. I would like to thank everyone who participated, whether by submitting miniatures or just by dropping by and viewing the work of some very talented hobbyists! A reminder to all to check the sidebar for some interesting blogs, some you may know, some maybe not. I plan on being a regular visitor to all of them!

Without further ado, the final wizards of 2015!

WizarDecember week 4a

First up is TMP’s CBPill with another Wargods of Aegyptus miniature, an “Asar Mistress of Worlds”. While I don’t play the game, CBPill’s submissions for Dwarvember and WizarDecember have piqued my curiosity as the game seems to have some pretty nice miniatures associated with it.

WizarDecember week 4b

Next up is a Scibor Tech Priest proxy for CBPill’s (not) Adeptus Mechanicus army! I love Scibor’s miniatures (especially the Dwarfs), and this one looks like another fine sculpt. I’d be wary of playing with him though, as the resin might not hold up to constant handling. But YMMV!!!

WizarDecember week 4c

And finally, CBPill ends WizarDecember with “Stanley whose RPG character is a Wizard named ‘Palmyricus the Perfidious’ (thought that would be a silly change of pace.)” We probably all know a Stanley. Technically not a wizard himself, but don’t tell him that! “Lightning Bolt! Lightning Bolt!”

Thanks for all the great submissions, CBPill!!


Next up is Punkrabbitt Returns’s  submission, which has to be one of the strangest and coolest wizards I’ve ever seen! This is Ooleekoo,  “a Morokanth shaman, essentially a sentient tapir native to Glorantha specializing in spellcasting.” Punkrabbitt has Frostgrave fever, and this looks to be a new wizard for yet another Frostgrave warband! You can see how he converted the original model and hear all about Ooleekoo over at his blog, Tumbahelada de Punkrabbitt, over in the sidebar! He used a plastic Toob figure! How frickin’ cool is that??? Awesome and inspirational job, Punkrabbitt!

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Another awesome paint job on another awesome base by TMP’s 144artist! This is another Hasslefree Kev White sculpt. The scenic base really adds a lot to the miniature and the freehand work on the cape is terrific! I generally suck at freehanding anything, but after seeing 144atrist’s work and what a difference it makes, I’m going to have to try it more often!

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Here’s a closeup of the detail work on the rear of the cape. Thanks for participating in both recent painting challenges, 144artist!

Finally, here is my submission. I originally planned a big blowout to WizarDecember, but then I got a PS4 and Star Wars: Battlefront, so…it didn’t happen. However, here is a lizard-wizard for your perusal! This is a Reaper Lizardman Shaman. I’m happy I got to pose him amongst my recently created swampy terrain, even though the pictures aren’t spectacular.

In other news, amongst my Christmas loot this year I received a Barnes and Noble gift card, which was promptly put to use purchasing Frostgrave and Thaw of the Lich Lord. To my newfound friends who submitted wizards this month, I can no longer resist the pull of this highly reviewed game. I credit Punkrabbitt in particular for all his warband submissions in November and December. So hopefully, I will play some Frostgrave in the near future and write some AAR’s about it! (Although I don’t think a Lizardman warband would work so well. Being cold-blooded in the frozen city? Might result in at least an initiative penalty or two. 🙂

I’m taking a break from hosting painting challenges for a while, in part because I can’t find a word to work into “January”, but mainly because I need some time to focus on projects I’ve let go (like Imperial Assault) in favor of Dwarfs and Wizards for the past two months. I’m more than willing to participate in someone else’s challenges, if the subject is right. So someone pick up the glove!

Thanks again to all! Happy New Year!

WizarDecember Week Three

This week was my birthday, and between that and the general holiday madness it was a challenge to be able to submit anything this time around. But WizarDecember stops for no one until the 31st! So, without further ado, here are the wizards!


First up is Punkrabbitt’s Week TWO submissions, here a little late but welcome nonetheless. You can read all about his Frostgrave warbands over on his blog, Tumbahelada de Punkrabbitt, accessible through the sidebar if so inclined. Up top is the old Citadel wood elf Queen Alarielle, circa late 90’s. Below that is an old Citadel wood elf mage. Together they’re a wizard and apprentice for Frostgrave, respectively.


Punkrabbitt’s week three submission is a conversion of a Reaper Bones miniature. Using an Iron Wind Metals rabbit head, Punkrabbitt converted this wererat to be a bunny-headed wizard for yet another (bunny or Chaost-themed) Frostgrave warband! Awesome!

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TMP’s 144artist submitted this Hasslefree female wizard, again for use in…you guessed it…Frostgrave! (I gotta get into this game.) 144artist combined some terrific brushwork with a Micro Arts Studio base and here is the result! I particularly like the blending on the crystal ball and the designs on the hem and back of her robe. Thanks again, 144artist!

WizarDecember week 3aWizarDecember week 3b

These two are from TMP’s CBPill. Up top is an old Celtos Kev White Sculpt that is a new version of CBPill’s Necromancer from an old WarGods of Aegyptus world campaign. (His words, not mine.) And on the bottom is a “wizard-type from the Dark Fable line of Ancient Egyptian minis.” Both look great. I’m considering an Egyptian-themed pulp game in the future, and that guy on the bottom would fit right in. Thanks again, CBPill!!!

Lastly, here is my submission for the week: this RAFM Wizard with Wagon. I’ve always loved the opening scene in the Fellowship of the Ring, when Gandalf rides into Hobbiton in a wagon loaded with fireworks. So I guess it’s no surprise that I went for a Gandalf look when I painted him.

I now wish I painted the goat more of a whitish color. I painted him first, then decided on the Gandalf look, so by the time I painted the wizard it was too late to change the goat around and make my deadline. Although I used different colors, they look a little too similar for my liking.  Also, it seems I need to rub off some of the static grass on the side of the base. Ooops.

This is one of those miniatures with a lot of character. I’m not sure what this fellow poking his head out the back is supposed to be, so I just went with a standard “red demon” look.

WizarDecember concludes next week, the day after Christmas! Happy Painting!

WizarDecember Week One

WizarDecember officially gets underway this weekend with some impressive submissions! And here they are!

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First up is TMP’s 144artist with this Reaper Pathfinder gnome summoner! I really like the “iconic” Pathfinder series of miniatures, and with 144artist’s paint job, it’s not hard to see why. Thanks for the submission!


TMP’s Skrapwelder sent in this Reaper wood elf mage. Awesome work. I’ve always found yellow to be a tough color to work with, especially shading it well. I also really love the face in this miniature: perfect shadowing! Thanks, Skrapwelder!

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Just under the wire, TMP’s CBPill submitted this interesting fellow. CBPill explains: “This is a figure from the Colony87 Kickstarter. He’s supposed to be a space merchant, but he really looks kind of wizardly to me, so that’s how I painted him and put the green magic swirl in his left hand.”

Works for me! I also like him as a space merchant!


Punkrabbitt returns returns for WizarDecember as well with this GW goblin shaman from Battle for Skull Pass. Punkrabbitt says it’s for yet another Frostgrave warband. I’ve managed to resist the pull of Frostgrave so far, but it’s getting harder everyday with all the great reviews, and miniatures like this just highlight the possibilities… Thanks, Punkrabbitt!

Lastly this week is my submission: this Reaper “death priest”. I posed him with some skeletons from Mississinewa Miniatures (sadly gone, now) and some Armorcast mausoleums, just for effect.

That about does it for this week!  See you on the 12th, and Happy Painting!

Side Pile: Dwarf Characters

Like many miniatures enthusiasts, I have a small pile of miniatures “off to the side” of my main projects. These miniatures collect paint slowly, usually because I have dispensed or mixed too much of a color for my current project and don’t want to waste paint. Pour out a little too much of a color for your current project? Find an unpainted miniature or miniatures off to the side and apply the leftovers. Beats wasting paint, right?

Unfortunately, after a while, the “off to the side” pile of halfway or even two-thirds completed miniatures gets to be huge and takes up more space on the painting table than my current projects. Then, it’s time to roll up the sleeves and finish off the pile. I have done this recently. Thus, I bring you some figures of my favorite fantasy race: Dwarfs!


Up first, some Dwarf Lords from Scibor Monstrous Miniatures. I love these sculpts, and it was one of my first times painting on resin. None of these miniatures above required assembly beyond glueing them to their bases. Because they’re resin I would hesitate to game with them, but they’re perfectly awesome as RPG characters or for the miniatures collector. I’m not a fan of the “dwarf slayer” concept; I always found it stupid. But I must say the guy on the left is pretty cool holding a severed ogre head. The middle dwarf is one of my favorites from the line. I like huge, blocky hammers.


The dwarf on the left is another favorite. Since I just said I love big, blocky hammers, this should come as no surprise. I also like the overflowing mug of the dwarf in the middle, and the pipe on the one farthest right. Both the left and middle dwarfs required assembly of their weapon heads, but the resin is easy to work with and glues quickly.


This is a view of all 6 Scibor dwarfs from the back. I’m happy with the results.


Next are two unique miniatures. On the left is a Dwarf wizard, from the Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering miniatures line. He’s holding what I assume to be a magic rod of some kind. He’s a two-piece sculpt that joins at the waist. This particular miniature has been in my side pile for about 7 years. I finally got around to painting him, and I think he turned out ok, although I thought he might look better with some kind of pattern on his robes. The dwarf piper is from Bob Olley’s Dwarf World line. Being a dwarf and a bagpiper makes him pretty much the coolest two things a miniature can be in my book.


These last miniatures came to me in a trade about a year ago. This is Reaper’s Dwarven Brewmeister (Reaper 02559), also sculpted by Bob Olley. I’m a big fan of miniatures that tell a story (as opposed to “guy holding weapon” miniatures), and I love these guys. I’m happy with the way they came out. I think I will use them as part of my Dwarf army as decorative pieces behind the artillery lines, making sure all the cannon crews stay hydrated.

More “side pile” miniatures soon!

The Blighted Watchtower: A Battlesystem AAR: Part 1

I’ve been going through miniatures gaming withdrawal lately, so I threw down some scenery and played a game all by my lonesome. I chose Battlesystem Skirmishes as my ruleset du jour. Even though I played this one solo, I managed to have a good time.

The Scenario

Amid ruins in an ancient forest stands an ancient watchtower, long rumored to be haunted. Anyone who has ventured there has never returned, but that has only fed the rumors of treasure and glory just waiting to be had by those daring enough to brave the danger.  Two parties of stalwart adventurers set off towards the watchtower with equal intent: to make their fortunes, destroying anything that would stand in their way.

First up: a group of dwarves: (L-R) Poth, Siegfried, Grimnar, Boris, and Reglan. All are warriors with the exception of Siegfried, who is a cleric. Grimnar is the leader, an 8th level fighter. Boris and Siegfried are both 6th level, while Poth and Reglan are 5th.

Next up: a group of gnomes and their human mercenary hireling: (L-R) Stengil, Graflin, Cavram, Durwald, and Ashlock. All are warriors with the exception of Graflin, who is the leader and an 8th level wizard. He is supported by his brother gnomes; Stengil, Ashlock and Durwald, all 6th level fighters, and Cavram, an 8th level human fighter.


The dwarves approach the watchtower from the south, while the gnomes make their own stealthy approach from the west. Soon, they are not alone!

On the crest of a nearby hill, a manticore appears, bellowing a challenge! The gnomes prepare for combat!

Meanwhile, to the south, the dwarves steel themselves as some zombies come lurching out of the woods!

The battle is joined! No sooner do the gnomes move than the manticore lashes out with its tail spikes. It fires a volley at Cavram as the human moves towards the hill, inflicting 1 wound. Meanwhile, the zombies charge into the dwarves. Grimnar wades into the fray, easily destroying one zombie. Boris manages to wound a zombie, but takes a wound himself. Siegfried steps forward and calls upon his deity, turning 6 of them immediately. They flee from the cleric’s true faith, but not for long…

Meanwhile, Graflin, the gnome mage, casts Reduce upon the manticore! The beast fails its save and is reduced by one size level, losing one attack die and incurring a penalty on further attacks! Durwald shoots the manticore with his Crossbow of Accuracy, hitting easily and inflicting 1 wound!

At the end of the turn, a mysterious evil force rallies 3 of the fleeing zombies. They turn and shamble back towards the dwarves…


The next round, the manticore gets initiative. He wastes no time in firing his tail spikes, this time at Graflin! Even with the reduced Attack Dice, Graflin takes 2 wounds as the spikes rip through him! Cavram charges up the hill at the manticore, hitting it for 3 wounds! Graflin casts Magic Missile, inflicting another wound on the beast, while Durwald shoots it again for yet another wound! The manticore, down to 1 wound, checks morale, and rolls a 1!! The enraged beast will stay and fight to the death! (Manticores are dumb.)

Meanwhile, to the south, the dwarves square off against the zombies. Boris, Grimnar and Siegfried all put a zombie down, while Reglan wounds one. The zombies fail to wound any of the dwarves, since most of the dwarves killed them before they could fight. Since they’re undead and not being turned, zombies don’t have to check morale. They fight on.

The manticore manages to wound Cavram once before the human runs it through, putting it down once and for all. The gnomes reconvene at the top of the hill, where they get their first look at the rival warband to the south, still fighting off the zombies. They set off quickly, hoping to reach the watchtower before the dwarves!

Meanwhile, the dwarves destroy the remaining zombies with relative ease.

The dwarves regroup and move north, intent on plunder. They round a grove of trees only to spy the gnomes moving towards the tower! Will it be a race, or will the two parties fall upon each other??

Part 2 up soon!

Scots Wha Ha’e!

I painted up some Reaper Highlanders for use as a warband in Battlesystem. I’ve had most of these miniatures for a while now, but I didn’t like the way they were painted, so I stripped them and repainted them. I’m happy with the results.



These guys are some of Reaper’s earliest releases. I don’t think they’re part of their current line, but you can still get them on the website. This is my first real effort at painting tartans. While there are many different tutorials online, I used Trojan Art Painting’s method. I used a blue/green tartan for these guys above.



I did a small conversion on the Highlander on the left above, adding arrows to his shield. The arrows are brass rod with fletching made from green stuff. I went with a red/blue tartan on these three.



The last two models are a piper and a druid. I made another slight modification to the piper by removing his fourth drone pipe. I like the look of the 3-drone highland bagpipe better. His tartan is gray/black with red and yellow accents. I painted the druid in white robes to make him stand out more. Weird how he’s clutching wheat instead of mistletoe. Trying to make it look like mistletoe would just look like green wheat, so I didn’t try.

I played my first ever game of Battlesystem with these guys over the weekend. Batrep in the next post!

Brother Jerrod

Recently, one of my gaming buddies stepped up and decided to run a GURPS Fantasy game. I decided to play a monk so that I could make use of the fantastic 4th Edition GURPS Martial Arts rules. I give you…Brother Jerrod!



The miniature is Reaper’s Friar Stone, Travelling Monk (03205), sculpted by Tre Manor. I bought and painted the miniature long before my friend decided to run this game, but once he did, I immediately wanted to use this miniature for my character. Brother Jerrod is a blast to play. He’s a jovial, garrulous fellow with a voice like Brian Blessed after drinking a quart of scotch.  I created his unique martial arts style to compliment his constant state of drunkenness.  In fact, more than once I was fully committed to my roleplaying and got more than a little drunk myself.

Good times.

Although I went into great detail creating his fighting style and giving amusing names to his maneuvers (Tip the Jug, Bear Stuns the Trout, etc.), I left the details of his religious order intentionally vague. It wasn’t going to be a big part of the game, and Brother Jerrod probably doesn’t remember much of his order’s precepts anyway. He’s too busy getting (and staying) drunk to care.